

Twitter APIのAuthZ/認可

rate limitと深い関係がある2つの認可方法がある.

Rate limit

  • Per User: user access tokenごとのレート制限
  • Per Application: "application-only authentication"


This limit is considered completely separately from per-user limits.

GETの場合、(ユーザー, app) に対してrate limitがかかる.


Rate limiting

Rate limiting — Twitter Developers

Application-only authentication: OAuth2 (bearer token) : アプリケーションがAPIを叩く(≠ユーザーがアプリを介してAPIを使う)

Application-only authentication is a form of authentication where an application makes API requests on its own behalf, without the user context.

"user context"

Application-user authentication: OAuth 1a : The user authentication method of authentication allows an authorized app to act on behalf of the user, as the user.

Per Application: "application-only authentication"

OAuth2.0 Client Credentials Grant flowによる認可 1.
OAuth2.0 Client、つまりアプリが自身のcredentialsをもっており、そのcredentialsをaccess tokenと勝手に交換してくるタイプ.
credentialsはClientが保持していることになるので、webのTwitter appでは使えないflow.

  1. Twitter’s implementation is based on the Client Credentials Grant flow of the OAuth 2 specification. ref