


Juan Qiao, Dong-Pyo Kim et al. Ratiometric fluorescent polymeric thermometer for thermogenesis investigation in living cells. 2015.

Juan Qiao, Yoon-Ho Hwang, Chuanfang Chen, Li Qi, Ping Dong, Xiaoyu Mu, and Dong-Pyo Kim. Ratiometric fluorescent polymeric thermometer for thermogenesis investigation in living cells 2015 analytical chemistry abstract 新規温度プローブの開…


イオノマイシン/ionomycin カルシウム透過性のイオノフォア、S. conglobatus由来 Ionomycin is a selective calcium ionophore derived from S. conglobatus that mobilizes intracellular calcium stores.1 It is used as a research tool to raise the int…